Dr Chris Marsden has provided a great endorsement of my book:
Kevin Coates has set a new standard for competition law texts with this excellent contribution, which should be read by all US and European competition, telecoms and Internet lawyers and economists. The insightful commentary is authoritative and decisive on current controversies, and the breadth of subject matter sets this apart: from Google mergers and privacy issues, to interconnection and network neutrality, to exhaustive examination of the Microsoft cases set against Intel, to 3G standards and FRAND, to software, interoperability and copyright. The most advanced competition cases are almost invariably in technology markets, and this is an indispensable guide, with an excellent blog http://technologyandregulation.com/ covering updates.
Dr Chris Marsden is Director of EXCCEL (Essex Centre for Comparative and European Law) and Senior Lecturer at Essex University School of Law
Chris is author of numerous books and articles on law and technology issues, including “Net neutrality: Towards a Co-Regulatory Solution” (2010, Bloomsbury), “Internet Co-regulation: European Law, Regulatory Governance and Legitimacy in Cyberspace” (2011, Cambridge), and the forthcoming “Regulating Code” (2012, MIT Press with Dr Ian Brown).